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7 docs tagged with "Storage"

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Stores solid items such as Aluminum, Iron, Faucets, etc.


Used to transfer solid resources between objects such as bins and extractors.


Acts as a wire/chute/pipe/etc, but only works one way, through the diode's input and output faces as indicated by the arrow.


Similar to a chute and a pipe, but only allows the configured material to pass through.


Provides a medium for the transfer of liquids and gases between Tanks and other objects.


Moves a type of resource through it, depending on the input and output faces as indicated by the arrow. Behaves just like the old Diode part when set to insert 100 Power.


Stores liquids and gases. When a liquid or gas touches the Tank, the Tank will automatically store it. Will not conduct heat when containing a fluid, making it a good heat storage part.