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The base object that all other objects inherit from.


CanInstallComponent(componentName) → canInstall

The componentName parameter is a ComponentName. It can also be nil.

The canInstall return is a boolean.

CanUninstallComponent(componentName) → canUninstall

The componentName parameter is a ComponentName. It can also be nil.

The canUninstall return is a boolean.


Emulates a user clicking on the object, seems dysfunctional in some cases, (i.e., ClickButton components do not get triggered).

GetComponent(componentName) → component

The componentName parameter is a ComponentName.

The component return is a Component. It can also be nil.

GetConfigurables() → configurables

Gets information about the configurables of the object.

The configurables return is a dictionary with keys that are strings and values that are ConfigurableDatas.

GetEvents() → events

Gets information about the events of the object.

The events return is an array of event names. It is a string.

GetMethods() → methods

Gets information about the methods of the object.

The methods return is a dictionary with keys that are strings and values that are MethodDatas.

GetOwnerId() → ownerId

Returns who locked the part if the part is locked, otherwise returns who created the part.

The ownerId return is a number. It can also be nil.

GetShape() → shape

Gets the shape of the part, if the part is a block, it will return nil.

The shape return is a string. It can also be nil.

HasComponent() → hasComponent

The hasComponent return is a boolean.

HasPermission(permission) → hasPermission

Returns a boolean as to whether or not the microcontroller has permission to do the specified action.

The permission parameter is a Permission.

The hasPermission return is a boolean.

IsDestroyed() → isDestroyed

Returns a boolean as to whether or not the object is destroyed.

The isDestroyed return is a boolean.

IsGrounded() → isGrounded

Tells you if the part is grounded, meaning it does it have physics. If it is attached to terrain or an anchor for example, it will be grounded.

The isGrounded return is a boolean.

ListComponents() → components

The components return is a string.


Triggers the object.

GetColor() → color


This method is deprecated. Use PilotObject.Color instead.

Gets the color of the object.

The color return is a Color3.

GetDurability() → durability


This method is deprecated. Use PilotObject.Durability instead.

Gets the maximum (not current) durability of the object.

The durability return is a number.

GetNameOfOwnerAsync() → ownerUsername


This method is deprecated. Use require("player"):GetNameFromUserIdAsync instead.

The ownerUsername return is a string. It can also be nil.

GetSize() → size


This method is deprecated. Use PilotObject.Size instead.

Gets the size of the object.

The size return is a Vector3.

GetTemperature() → temperature


This method is deprecated. Use PilotObject.Temperature instead.

Gets the temperature of the object.

The temperature return is a number.



Whether or not the object is anchored. It is a boolean.


The center of mass of the object's assembly. It is a Vector3.


The velocity of the object's assembly. It is a Vector3.


The total mass of the object's assembly. It is a number.


The current CFrame of the object. It is a CFrame.


A string representing the type of the object. It is a string.


The current color of the object. It is a Color3.


The UserId of the user who created the part. Will be nil if the part was created by a constructor. It is a number?.


The total durability of the object. It is a number.

-- It can alternatively be calculated like so:
local partdata = require("partdata")
local partInfo = assert(partdata.Parts[part.ClassName], "unknown part")

local baseVolume = partInfo.BaseSize[1] * partInfo.BaseSize[2] * partInfo.BaseSize[3]
local volume = part.Size.X * part.Size.Y * part.Size.Z

local durability = ( volume / baseVolume ) ^ ( 1 / 3 ) * partInfo.BaseDurability


It is a string.


The health of the object as a percentage (between 0 and 1) of the total durability. It is a number. It ranges between 0 and 1.


The current heat of the object, this is different from the temperature. It is a number.


The mass of the object. It is a number.


The current material of the object as an Enum.Material. It is an Enum.Material.


The current orientation of the object. It is a Vector3.


The UserId of the user who locked the part. Will be nil if the part is unlocked. It is a number?.


The current position of the object. It is a Vector3.


The current size of the object. It is a Vector3.


The current temperature of the object, this is different from the heat. It is a number.



Fires when the object is destroyed.