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Plays audio of length up to 5 seconds, unless it is powered in which case it can play a full audio. When clicked or triggered, it will toggle playing music and will play the song id you give it. Speaker:LoadSound(SoundId) will return a Sound object A Sound object can be modified using properties SoundId, Looped, PlaybackSpeed, Pitch, TimePositionand the methods Play, Pause, Stop, Destroy

It is a craftable and spawnable non-flammable solid.

Here is a list of possible sizes that reach the maximum malleability (16) that have integer components: 1x16x1, 1x8x2, 1x4x4, 2x4x2, 4x2x2

At its default size (2x2x2) it has a durability of 1, at its maximum size it has a durability of 2.

By default, its colour is #635f62.

It requires 4 Cloth, 4 Iron, 2 Motor, and 3 Wire to be crafted.



Displays the message in a chat bubble just like if a player said it.

The message parameter is a string.


Stops and clears all sounds the speaker is currently playing.

LoadSound(soundId) → loadedSound

Returns a roblox Sound object with the given soundId.

The soundId parameter is a number.

The loadedSound return is a Sound.


Plays a sound with the given soundId. If no soundId is provided it will default to the Audio configuration of the speaker.

The soundId parameter is a number. It can also be nil.



The audio asset ID to be played. It is a string.


The pitch at which to play the audio. It is a number. It ranges between 0 and 3.


The volume the audio plays at. The maximum volume is determined by the size of the speaker. It is a number. It ranges between 0 and 1.



Fires when the object is configured.

The configurerId parameter is the UserId of the player who configured the object. It is a number.


Fires when the object is triggered and provides a reference to the part that triggered it.

If a Microcontroller indirectly initiated the triggering of an object, it will return the object rather than the Microcontroller, whereas in the case of directly triggering the object (i.e., calling :Trigger, but not TriggerPort), it will return the microcontroller.

The trigger source remains unchanged if the trigger is sent through something such as an Antenna, but will be set to a RemoteControl if one is present along the trigger line.

The otherPart parameter is the source of the trigger signal. It is a PilotObject.